
Ever wonder what makes certain traders SUCCEED while others STRUGGLE? It involves more than just tactics and numbers. It’s also a mental game, which is where trading psychology—a notion made revolutionary by Mark Douglas in his ground-breaking book Trading in the Zone—comes into play. Douglas highlights that trading is a gameContinue Reading

Imagine stepping into the trading arena, where your greatest opponent isn’t the market, but the battlefield of your own mind. Welcome to the psychological rollercoaster of trading, where fear and greed can turn even the most brilliant strategies into costly mistakes. But don’t worry – you’re about to discover howContinue Reading

If you have been trading for a while but couldn’t have found an established trading system for yourself, you are not alone! It happens to many traders that after even a long time, they get confused with all sorts of different strategies and trading plans. They jump from one strategyContinue Reading

If you are reading this blogpost, either you are considering becoming a full-time trader or you have already started your journey and want to improve your performance.  Wherever you are in your trading journey, you probably know or have experienced that trading is NOT AN EASY JOB. It requires aContinue Reading